My Blog

Using Habits to Become a Better Version of Yourself

Using Habits to Become a Better Version of Yourself

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Habits shape our life.  Bad habits can wreck us and good habits can improve our life trajectory.  Creating new habits is simple, but not easy. As a lifelong learner I love to...

Create New Year’s Resolutions That Last: Write a Life Plan

Create New Year’s Resolutions That Last: Write a Life Plan

Build your own life, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. - Farrah Gray I am a planner. I have planned my career, our financial life, home renovations, vacations, etc.  But it wasn’t until my friend and coach gave me the book Living Forward three+ years ago...

Year End Life Review

Year End Life Review

Regular self reflection helps me stay focused on what truly matters in life. For years I allowed my priorities to get out of whack. Like many, I often prioritized my business, career, and financial success ahead of my marriage, family, friends, dreams and even my faith. Below are some questions I am pondering this season as I look back and plan forward. Perhaps these may be helpful to you. Enjoy!

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