Reflections: Looking back and moving forward

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Uncategorized

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I love the time between Christmas and New Year’s. It is slower for most. For me it’s time to spend with family and friends, time for playing outdoors, and some added time for rest. It’s also a time to reflect and take inventory of the passing year and begin to plan for the next. I always like this time to be intentional with my life. 

Below are some questions I am pondering this season as I look back and plan forward. Perhaps these may be helpful to you.

1. Looking back over the year, what were your highlights and challenges?

2. What key discipline or habit did you live out this past year that had a significant impact on your life? What was the impact?

3. What are you loving most about this season of life?

4. How does your spouse currently feel about your relationship? What is working well and where do you need to grow?

5. Where do you feel stagnant or cynical?

6. Are you more hopeful and faithful than this time last year?

7. What will be your overarching theme for next year?

Did something here resonate with you? Want to connect about coaching? I help individuals build a life with focus, intention, and purpose on the priorities and dreams that matter most. Connect with me at